Turn The Pain into Power!

Mission Statement:

My mission and goal through the brand, through the culture of Remain Relentless Lifestyle is to help motivate, dedicate, & inspire people to go after their goals. Most importantly is to surround yourself with like-minded people who hold one another accountable.

About the Founder:

From an early age my upbringing had brought many trials and tribulations that I overcame alone, which has formed an unorthodox way of thinking & lifestyle. This brief biography isn’t for sympathy nor attention, it’s to show my story, for us to connect since we all have a story!
I'm here to share the thoughts, quotes, & knowledge that has pushed me through the grime and kept the fire burning within myself.

A quick synopsis of my life:
Growing up bouncing between a split household with hate/atomicity between parents, surround by substance abuse & having no mentor. Every 1-3 years I would move to a new city, new school, new environment, with these factors I was forced into a solitary lifestyle. I'd keep to myself and my thoughts for most of my life, this lifestyle created a huge lack of confidence within myself. What kept me going was looking forward to joining the military and leaving everything/everyone behind me. This would be the escape from my current life, the rest button.
Freshman year of high school while in a summer leadership training with AFJROTC I injured my knee while we were on an orienteering training exercise. The end result was having to get knee surgery which took me out of playing football. I decided to focus more on my physical therapy to heal to be ready for joining the military vs. pushing myself to just go play football again. Senior year in high school I was medically denied from joining the military due to asthma, I had lost all hope and drive feeling completely lost. For the next few years, I only cared about partying while working at a dead-end job in the construction field. This lifestyle I was surround with bad intentions & situations which resulted in legal problems, but it all came to a halt when I contracted Viral Spinal Meningitis.
This was a large shock to my train of thought, where I'm at in life, how easily life can change in a snap of a finger, so I decided to make a change. Once my health was back, I enrolled in Northwest Lineman College in 2016. Post-graduation i packed up my SUV and moved to the Midwest to build power lines. Little did I know the company that I joined would have me moving to different build cites every few months across state lines. With this lifestyle I had become an alcoholic spending thousands of dollars a month on alcohol. This was the Mid-West linework lifestyle, it was a lot of fun, but i knew it would end up being my demise in the end.
I decided to move back to Southern California to be closer to my friends and family, but mainly for my little sisters. While going through the motions of the hiring process to be a union lineman in California I took a job as a Telecommunications foreman to pay the bills. My golden ticket was a job offer from SoCal Edison, which I thought I had in the bag; so, my focus was still on partying. The result of that lifestyle were a few years of constantly being denied for a lack of experience with a union company. I made the decision that I wanted to go back to the Midwest to be a high voltage lineman once again.
Before my departure a friend had took me under his wing through a mentorship to show me the world of finances & real estate. Making a decent amount of money in a short manner of time with little work had blown my ego up like a hot air balloon. After a few years of learning new industries, getting licenses & product knowledge; it was clear that this friend was a fraud & crook. My mindset was that I would do anything to escape the “Rat Race”, which my mentor loved hearing. After pulling back the curtons to my mentors scheme it was clear that he got ahead in life by taking advantage of others. I knew to my core, my values couldn't be bought with money, so I needed to change my career and lifestyle once again.
With a good friend of mine, we started a side hustle of pressure washing which has now grown into a company that encompasses full property maintenance. The lifestyle I had to adopt to succeed was a completely relentless. Countless times of feeling defeated, broke, maxed out credit cards, & lost, but I kept my head down and grinded away. I’m still not where I’d like to be with the business nor my life, but the time is now for me to reach my hand out to help my brothers & sisters amongst my side, help them get through life, one day at a time.

To my core, I know that this is what my meaning in life is, it’s to become the best version of myself while uplifting everyone around me.